Feb 1, 2021
Let's use the month of February to finish and release some of our music. After Jamuary, I'm sure you have lots of interesting musical ideas. Even if you didn't do Jamuary, you probably have plenty! During February, we are going to challenge ourselves to finish tracks and share them with the world!
Listen on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play or Spotify; watch on YouTube
Show Notes:
Derek Sivers on Ideas - https://sive.rs/multiply
Derek Sivers on the Music Production Podcast - https://brianfunk.com/blog/2020/1/23/derek-sivers-on-the-creative-process-and-making-music-music-production-podcast-149
Finish February Organization Spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pE5L_iD6gZPSX-c3tuUhbkqwM0CRmWRuglSbzeKufnM/edit?usp=sharing
My Finish February Spreadsheet from 2020 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/15hBV7Ua2m3xAx9Vsl3ZPRQDDCVonr6be/view?usp=sharing
A Journey Inward (EP I made last February) - https://soundcloud.com/brianfunk/sets/a-journey-inward
Last Year's Podcast about Finish February - https://brianfunk.com/blog/2020/2/3/finish-february-release-music-this-month-music-production-podcast-150
Episode #151: What is Your Listener Doing - https://brianfunk.com/blog/2020/2/6/what-is-your-listener-doing-and-13-musical-emotions-music-production-podcast-151
Episode #152 - How Do You Know When a Song is Finished - https://brianfunk.com/blog/2020/2/9/how-do-you-know-when-a-song-is-finished-music-production-podcast-152
Episode #156 - The Story is the Key to Finishing Music - https://brianfunk.com/blog/2020/3/8/the-story-is-the-key-to-finishing-music-music-production-podcast-156
War of Art by Steven Pressfield - https://amzn.to/3tiLyWE
My Website - https://brianfunk.com
Music Production Club - https://brianfunk.com/mpc
Music Production Podcast - https://brianfunk.com/podcast
Save 25% on Ableton Live Packs at My Store with the code: PODCAST
Thank you for listening.
Please review the Music Production Podcast on your favorite podcast provider!
And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.
Brian Funk